Statement by Chief Commissioner C.T. (Manny) Jules on the passing of Chief Tom Bressette
It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Chief Tom Bressette. On behalf of everyone at the First Nations Tax Commission, I wish to send my deepest condolences to his family, the members of Chippewas COMPLETE STORY
Canadian Chamber of Commerce passes resolution to support the establishment of the First Nations Infrastructure Institute
Canadian Chamber of Commerce passes resolution to support the establishment of the First Nations Infrastructure Institute Read more.
FNTC to Support Taxing First Nations with OSRICI Application
On June 9, 2021, Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) launched the “Own Source Revenue in Indigenous Communities Initiative” (OSRICI), designed to provide support to Indigenous communities that have suffered a decline in own-source revenue (OSR) due to the COVID-19 pandemic. COMPLETE STORY
Canterbury and Canada combine in online Indigenous Economics course
A cohort of First Nations students from the Tulo Centre of Indigenous Economics in British Columbia, Canada, and students from the Ngāi Tahu Research Centre at the University of Canterbury, Aotearoa New Zealand, have been studying Indigenous Economics together virtually, COMPLETE STORY
Proposed Procedures Respecting the Approval of First Nation Local Revenue Laws, 2020
Procedures are established by the First Nations Tax Commission (Commission) to provide transparent and efficient processes for the approval of local revenue laws by the Commission to assist the Commission in fulfilling its statutory obligations under the First Nations Fiscal COMPLETE STORY
Chief Commissioner Speaks to Radio New Zealand
Chief Commissioner Jules discusses the importance of First Nation jurisdiction with Radio New Zealand Host, Julian Wilcox. Click here to listen to the Audio.
The First Nations Tax Commission Releases its 2019/20 Annual Report
The Annual Report provides an update to First Nations, taxpayers and the federal government on the FNTC’s progress in achieving its vision and highlighting how our work improves First Nation communities and supports expanding First Nation tax jurisdiction. Download the COMPLETE STORY
Understanding Assessment of First Nation Lands
Understanding Assessment of First Nation Lands under the First Nations Fiscal Management Act and section 83 of the Indian Act. First Nations contract with qualified, independent assessors to assess the leases, licenses and other occupations of their lands (generally referred COMPLETE STORY
30th Anniversary of Bill C-115